Submit Work

Once logged in, this page allows you to compare digitization options and use the price matrix to ensure you receive the optimal cost/benefit balance for your project.

Log in to AccessTEI to submit work, or contact us to get an account. An Apex representative will then contact you directly and inform the status of your account request.


The overall price of your project is determined using our price matrix. This involves three characteristics: typeface, legibility, and condition. A text that uses a standard modern or equivalent typeface is easier to digitize than a text that uses an obscure or difficult to decipher typeface or handwriting. Likewise, a text that is clear and uses a minimal number of character sets, or a text on pages that are not marred by physical damage such as smudges, tears, or unusual textual features, will be easier to digitize than a smudged text on worn pages. Learn more about the types of documents that can be submitted.


Once we have finalized the details of your project, we will confirm a delivery date. In general terms, projects of less than 500 pages should be delivered within 3 weeks of submission; 501-1000 pages within 4 weeks, and 1001+ pages 7 weeks or more (to be confirmed by an Apex Project Manager).

Project Submission Form

This form asks you to describe the amount, scope, and nature of the project that you would like to submit to the AccessTEI program. After you have submitted the form, an estimated price per kilobyte will be presented. A representative from Apex will then review the file and your sample images and contact you to finalize your project's details.


Apex CoVantage, LLC All rights reserved. © 2010

Version 1.0