
How to get an account?
How to Log in?

How to Submit Work?

Terms and Conditions

How to use My Account?

How to Manage Profile?


How to get an account?

To get an Account you need to use the Contact us page available here.

The Contact us page will allow you to send your contact information to Apex CoVantage AccessTEI.

An Apex representative will then contact you directly and inform the status of your account request.


How to Log in?

Once you get your AccessTEI Portal credentials, go to the Login page and use your username and password to Log in into the Portal. 

Once inside, new tabs will be available for you to perform specific actions related to your role.


How to Submit Work?

Once you have submitted your credentials, you will be redirected to the My Account page. A new tab will be available to you called Submit Work. Clicking on this tab will take you to the Submit Work page. This is the page where you will be able to include your work order information and submit it as a new order.

Describe the volume, scope, and content of the work that you would like to submit to Apex. We have divided projects into different price groups, dependant on the Typeface, Legibility and Condition of the submitted material. Estimated prices will be shown depending on your selections. We will look over the source and contact you to discuss the scope, price, and schedule of the project in firmer detail.

Project Name

Give your project a distinctive name or reference number for use in subsequent correspondence and project management.

Type of document

Select the type of document that most closely corresponds to the nature of the material you are submitting. This will help us determine the correct schema to use with your project and to estimate the amount of detail required for your project.

If a collection is being submitted that consists of various types of documents (e.g., a collection consisting of poetry, prose, dictionaries, and newspaper content), group the documents together by type and submit separately.

Source Type

Describe the Type found within the source material. Source Type helps determine the whether a project fits into a standard, complex, or custom Typeface project.

Description of files

Provide a brief description of the files being submitted. For example, "Emily Dickinson poems bound in 8x14 inch books, fairly good condition but dated around 1900. Delicate and extremely important as one of the first books published by her."

Submission Format

Please indicate the format in which you will be submitting your source document(s). Hardcopy submission will involve additional fees. Electronic submission should be 300 dpi. Additional fees may be charged for images at a lower resolution or in a different file format.


Simple typefaces require little or no training to key. Examples include Roman fonts and its variants (minor flourishes), including basic and extended Latin character set, with minimal localized instances of non-Latin characters.

Complex typefaces include blackletter fonts, non-Latin character sets including Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic, etc, and the presence of archaic characters such as the "long s". Handwritten documents are always complex.

An example of custom typefaces is one in which the type is hand-drawn like those found in an illuminated manuscript.

For more information, see the Price Matrix.


Standard refers to material suitable for standard keying processes , i.e., with crisp and sharp text, minimal noise, bleed through, and/or illegible text.

Documents in which text is difficult to read as a result of broken characters, “noise”, blemishes, or other defects scattered throughout the pages that intermittently obscure the text should be classified as complex.

Custom refers to projects that contain unusual legibility issues.

For more information, see the Price Matrix.


Standard documents are those with pages free of physical damage, including tears, repairs, and staining that obscure content.

Complex documents contain physical damage that obscures text to be converted.

Custom documents are those that are in unusual condition (e.g., the source material requires special handling or transport).

For more information, see the Price Matrix.

Number of Pages

Include an estimated number of pages to be submitted.

Manifest List

Include a list of all the material expected to be transmitted for conversion. Include titles of hardcopy material, specific file names electronic delivery, and any other documents to be included in the shipment.

Additional Information

Let us know if additional Scanning and/or Film to TIFF Conversion services will be required and any other additional information.


Terms and Conditions

To read our Terms and Conditions please login and go to Submit Work. Once in the Submit Work page, click on Terms and Conditions.


How to use My Account?

My Account page allows you to track your submitted work.

The page includes a grid with information on all previously submitted work items, which you can sort and filter in various ways. You can also export all items to Excel as a CSV file.

The grid presents the work items by columns:

There is also a link to update your account's profile in the My Account page. For more information please see the below item.


How to Manage Profile?

If you need to update your profile you can do so by opening the Update Profile page.

You will be able to edit the following fields:

This page also includes a link to the Change Password page so you can easily change your password.


Apex CoVantage, LLC All rights reserved. © 2010

Version 1.0