About Apex

Apex CoVantage, founded in 1988 by Shashikant and Margaret Gupta, provides prepress, data conversion, editorial, and content enhancement services to global publishers, libraries, and large content owners. Leveraging Human Process Engineering, Apex technologies offer efficient, cost-effective solutions for managing extensive content, including manuscripts, photos, and videos. With nearly 30 years of experience, Apex delivers exceptional content and media solutions by balancing advanced technology and industry expertise.

A leader in offshore digitization, AccessTEI is a new partnership that Apex has formed with the TEI Consortium as part of a program to pool smaller digitization projects to receive the cost and quality benefits usually reserved for larger, more comprehensive projects.  Apex has over twenty years of experience handling a wide-range of culturally significant and often difficult-to-digitize material. The projects in our repertoire include challenging academic material ranging from the handwritten correspondence of Thomas Jefferson to 15th century texts from the Early English Books Online collection. Steeped in TEI specifications and academic collections, our project design and production staff is well-equipped to meet the diverse encoding needs of different customers and projects.

Learn more about Apex.


About TEI Consortium

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is a consortium which collectively develops and maintains a standard for the representation of texts in digital form. Its chief deliverable is a set of Guidelines which specify encoding methods for machine-readable texts, chiefly in the humanities, social sciences and linguistics. Since 1994, the TEI Guidelines have been widely used by libraries, museums, publishers, and individual scholars to present texts for online research, teaching, and preservation. In addition to the Guidelines themselves, the Consortium provides a variety of supporting resources, including resources for learning TEI, information on projects using the TEI, TEI-related publications, and software developed for or adapted to the TEI.

The TEI Consortium is a non-profit membership organization composed of academic institutions, research projects, and individual scholars from around the world. Members contribute financially to the Consortium and elect representatives to its Council and Board of Directors.

Want to become active in the TEI community? Become a member.

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